Create an Effective Tip Sheet

Every book needs an informative 'Tip Sheet' - a sales tool that assists reps selling your book in highlighting to buyers the best selling points of each title. The most effective tip sheets include the information below: (* = mandatory info)

Cover Image
Title *
and subtitle
Author *
ISBN * (13 digit number)
Price *
Binding * (hardcover, paperback, CD, DVD)
BISAC Code *
Page count
Publisher * (including when you're the publisher)
Publication Date *
Description *
Author Bio *
Author Hometown * (city, state, country)
Size (inches x inches)
Series Information
Target Market/Audience
First Print Run
Comparative Titles * title and author, 13 Digit ISBN -
Casepack Quantity (how many fit in shipping box)
USPs - unique selling points
Marketing Strategy