Voices of the 21st Century: Resilient Women Who Rise and Make a Difference

by Gail Watson


40 extraordinary women come together to celebrate a new era. In the midst of unforeseeable changes and hardships, the inspiring women in this book access their inner strength and persevere. In spite of unimaginable adversity, they find ways to unleash their power and triumphantly succeed. Voices of the 21st Century is a celebration of resilience. Be encouraged by these stories and discover the secret that has been true all along: You are resilient, and you have the power to rise and make a difference.

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The Author:

Gail Watson is president and founder of Women Speakers Association (WSA), the go-to place for innovative leaders, change-agents and women with a message to connect, collaborate, and grow their visibility worldwide in order to fulfill their mission. As the first-ever global community for women speakers, WSA provides a platform for women to get seen, booked, and paid AND be a part of a growing network reaching women in 120 countries.


ISBN: 978-1951943400
Publication date: March 8, 2021
Page count: 178
List price: $ 16.95
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Voices of the 21st Century: Resilient Women Who Rise and Make a Difference by Gail Watson showcases 40 different stories from 40 different women. All of them are totally unique and uplifting. These are inspiring stories that feature resilient women, sharing their lives and stories.

I love the very idea of this book and enjoyed the individual writings very much. In particular, I enjoyed "Becoming American" by Gudy Grewal (and hope she has a full book about her life so I can continue reading her story). It was refreshing to hear that after so much unrest in America over the past several years, America is the gold standard to so many people in the world. Ms. Grewal's path to citizenship is particularly unique (I won't spoil it here; just go read it).

The more we learn about each other, the more compassion and empathy we have. It's too easy to see these successful women and decide that luck was on their side. It's harder to take the time and learn that they had to face challenges and adversity to get to where they are today.

“Voices of the 21st Century” is a must read for women of all ages. The collaboration of 40 strong, successful, and resilient women presents life experiences that we all have been faced with on our own journeys. For me the book is unique in that I do not read it cover to cover. I browse the contents and choose what speaks to me in relation to what I am facing at the moment in my own life. Through the sharing, I find inspiration, motivation, and validation. It becomes my reference book of choice for navigating the sometimes choppy waters of Womanhood.

Enjoyed the short stories on women who rose and made a difference! I was especially moved by the story about 'The Vision of Hope Inspires'. I could relate to AND felt like I was actually there and experiencing the anxiety and chaos of not measuring up, and then, the best part-- I felt the realization of conquering ALL and knowing I am living to be the best version of me!

This is a heartwarming collection of inspiring stories by some truly amazing women. Each offers a unique perspective – on overcoming life’s challenges, meeting the demands of an unjust society, finding the good from bad experiences, and more. Paulette Williams’ piece, in particular, highlights the physical, mental, and spiritual barriers that keep people in domestic violence situations; she then offers a clear path forward to a better life.

I must first begin by sharing that my best friend and husband of thirty five years died July 3, 2020. I am currently still in a state of shock and disbelieve. So, when I began reading this collection of 'Voices', it first took me by surprise at the stirring of emotions I was starting to feel..

I’ve already read one other book in the “Voices of the 21st Century” so I was eager to pick this one up. Like the other book, this is a collection of stories from different authors.

Thank you to the 40 brave women for "speaking" in the book RESILIENT WOMEN WHO RISE AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE (an anthology in THE VOICES OF THE 21ST CENTURY series by Gail Watson, founder of Women Speakers Association).

I loved the diversity of the personal stories that the women shared in this volume of 21st Century Voices. I particularly thought the contribution by Jeannine Rivers Colburn, “My Black is Beautiful,” insightful and apropos in recognition of Black History. Ms. Rivers shares a memory from her beloved father and his embracing of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s I Have a Dream speech and her realization that Blackness matters. The awareness that she has been living in an illusion of equality awakens her Black identity, which is not always an easy thing to admit. Jeannine is “woke,” Black identity matters, Jeannine’s Black is Beautiful, Black Lives Matter.

Voices of the 21st Century: Resilient Women Who Rise and Make a Difference is a great read and would make an excellent gift for the upcoming Women’s Day. This is a collection of 40 testimonies from women who show how resilient, strong, and perseverant they were to overcome any difficulty they endured in life.

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