Thriving with Hairloss
by Peggy Knight

After a lifetime of wearing wigs and over 40 years of working directly with women, Peggy knows firsthand the Ups and Downs of Thriving with Hair Loss.
Share your story with women around the world. Our Thriving with Hair Loss Ups and Downs are the same journey no matter our language or location.
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The Author:
Peggy Knight is the owner of Peggy Knight Wigs.
She has helped thousands of women, for over 40 years, with medical hair loss due to Covid 19, Chemotherapy, Alopecia Areata and aging hair loss. She is the author of Thriving with Hair Loss which details her own personal story and struggles with hair loss.
Peggy lost her hair as a child due to the condition Alopecia Areata. She knows first-hand her clients wants, needs and fears. Education is first and foremost for Peggy. She is a Master Wig Coach for newly diagnosed women and children.
Peggy and her concepts have been featured on Oprah, 2020, CNN and various publications and shows though the country and world. She is the founder of Locks of Love, a charity for children.
Peggy says “I get to change a life every day”.
Publication date: September 24th, 2023
Page count: 122
List price: $15.95
Formats available: paperback and eBook
Finally! A book that encompasses everything you need to know about wigs and enhancement hair. I love how Peggy shares her own personal story with hair loss and has devoted her career to helping others. This is such an incredible guidebook based on her 40 years of experience. You need this book if you a somebody dealing with hair loss!
Corrine the Queen Book
Everything You Need to Know About Wigs and Hair Loss
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