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How a Compilation Book Creates a Win-Win-Win for Your Community
An On-Demand Training with Karen Strauss and Mark Porteous
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Meet Your Hosts:

Karen Strauss
Karen Strauss has worked in publishing for more than thirty years and has held management and marketing positions at major publishing houses, including The Free Press, Crown, Random House, and Avon.Karen founded Hybrid Global Publishing in 2011 to help authors, speakers, and entrepreneurs get their message out by writing and publishing a book. She offers publishing, distribution, and marketing services for organizations and individual authors. Karen is the author of Book Publishing for Entrepreneurs: Top Secrets from a New York Publisher and offers an online course called Publishing 101: Your Complete Guide from Idea to Published Author.

Mark Porteous
Known as “The Soul Connector”, Mark Porteous has been married to his wife and business partner Renee since 2002. They are parents of twins, a boy and a girl, born in 2010. He is a Joint Venture Strategist, Affiliate Concierge, co-founder of the Soul Affiliate Alliance and the #1 Best Selling author of Soulful Leadership; Spiritual Path to Health, Wealth and Love. Mark connects people to who they are at soul-level, why they are here AND, to the people who can help them THRIVE in their Divine Purpose.
Transformational Leaders and Inspired Influencers hire Mark to reach more people with their message by developing soulful collaborations and alliances, so they can leverage their expertise to make a greater impact in the world while enjoying more freedom, ease and flow in their own lives.

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