Red Hot Living

by Lynn Young


Lynn Young’s Red Hot Living is part joyride, part memoir, part zesty recipe, part anthem, and part love letter to life. Discovering wild joy in the most unlikely places, Young connects us to our own desires and yes, to finding unimaginable joy no matter what life dishes up. Laugh-out-loud funny, Red Hot Living is a rollicking, unabashed, irresistible read that leads us straight home to our joyful selves. 

With ignition, permission, and prescription, this little book reveals how to not only live from passion and find true joy every single day—but how to do it no matter what messiness comes our way (because we all know life gets lifey!). With whimsy, humor, and intimacy paired with deep wisdom, soulfulness, and wild optimism, what pours out from Red Hot Living is life herself. Grab a cuppa, curl up, and buckle up—and get ready to be unleashed.

The Author:

Lynn Young is a Co-Active(TM) coach, speaker, and founding mama of the Badass Sagers. She believes life is juicier when we're playing, risking and serving the common good. A global citizen and ambassador for joy, she colors outside the lines and knows that life is a gift. Lynn holds an MA from the University of Colorado, is an International Coach Federation Professional Certified Coach, and was a Coach with the Center for Creative Leadership. Lynn adores color, sunshine, her amazing family and most importantly... dark chocolate.


ISBN: 978-1-957013-66-4
Publication date: March 16th, 2023
Page count: 197
List price: $15.95
Formats available: paperback and eBook

This is Lynn Young's autobiography, or memoir. Basically, it covers her life up until she wrote the book, and the red hot is a fair description. If nothing else, Lynn tried things and got involved. She married young, and interestingly, we see little of Ben other than when he is in hospital once. We don't know why, although there is an inference the doctors don't either. There was also the romance, which basically seemed to be she met Ben, went out a little, then Ben asked her to accompany him to Korea. There is not much sign of introspection in the book. Lynn seldom describes why she did something, other than she decided she would. There is one chapter on her alcoholism, which she got over. It might be more helpful to some young readers if she went into more detail as to why she drank, but there is a description of how she realized she needed help, and eventually she gave up alcohol all together. That part may be of use to young alcoholics. Lynn writes with enthusiasm and has some sort of food "compulsion"; things are described as "juicy" and "delicious", and these are not foods. These are her emotional descriptions. She became a campaign assistant (door knocker) for Obama's campaign, and I can see her general enthusiasm could encourage some to come out and vote, but it gives little information on how she knew which doors to knock on. Finally, she covers age. Her attitude is to live life and not retreat into a corner and gradually die. As someone who is also old, I agree. Overall, a story of someone who loved life and was determined to make the most of what was around.

Ian J. Miller

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Red Hot Living: Becoming a JOYful Badass Sager by Lynn Young is a great book that is full of passion and joy. It is written with the intention of motivating and guiding the reader towards a better place. All too often, we find ourselves struggling to find happiness when life gets complicated. This book is a key that is meant to help the reader to find joy in even the smallest of experiences so that life becomes centered around happiness again, rather than on work and accomplishment. I highly recommend this to everyone, because everyone can use a little dose of happiness sometimes. It is written in an easy-to-follow format, and the author has done a great job of incorporating humor into the writing. This one will not disappoint.

Phil Bolos

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Red Hot Living is an inspirational book, written by Lynn Young. It answers the ancestral question most people do to themselves at least once in their life: "Am I happy?" Over the pages, Lynn shares her own thoughts and experiences, and her process to become a joyful person, enjoying each and every day, and seeing life as colorful and bright as it can be. But there's no magic in it; it is a process of self-discovery not everyone is ready or willing to do. This book makes it easier, 100%. Overall, a great read for people who are trying to know and understand themselves, at least it gave me lots of stuff to think about.


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