April 6

Should Print Books Come with eBook Download Codes?


The publishing industry, despite recent advancements, is inherently slow moving. It’s only because sales are halting now that the larger publishing houses are willing to take risks and make changes. However, in this new realm where they have to deal with eBook sales, the publishing industry must experiment with different ideas to see what will succeed in these changing times. But is the idea of including the eBook download in print books too risky?

It’s not exactly a novel idea. Including a single use download copy with the physical copies is already a standard in the film industry, with a link to download the movie being included in most dvds and blu-rays sets.

It could be just the thing to revitalize the lagging eBook sales numbers. Plus, it gives customers incentive to spend a little more, if they are indeed getting more.

Read more about why eBook download codes should be bundled with print books at the Good eReader.

Photo credit: teclasorg via Visualhunt.com / CC BY


Books, eBooks, publishing

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