What's next after The Non-Geek’s Guide to Advanced AI for Nonfiction Authors?
As you’ve seen, AI is a game changer for the literary world.
Now that you've seen some of the possibilities, here's your opportunity to fully take advantage of AI and gain the deeper knowledge you need to implement successfully.
Work with me one-on-one and we’ll build your AI together!
There is much to learn and changes happen every single day.
While I demonstrated many important ways to use AI in your writing journey, there are many advanced techniques that go beyond what can be covered in a single training.
The solution is advanced, one-on-one training.
This is a small investment to make a major leap in your writing career.
When we work together, I will guide you through the platforms and apps that will be game changers as you craft your book.
I have been teaching entrepreneurs, agencies and brands about new online developments since 1995. Experienced in fields from cars to cookies, I’ve worked with Ford, IBM, Cendant and many entrepreneurs, agencies and startups. I’ve taught them about everything from blogging to social media to podcasting and now I’m training in Generative AI.
Join me to bring your AI skills to the next level, relieve yourself of repetitive tasks and take your creativity to its highest level.
Typically, I charge $225 an hour for one-on-one AI training.
As an attendee of the Advanced Training, I have an exclusive limited time offer just for you.
When you sign up to work with me by Thursday, February 29, your exclusive rate will be just $150 per hour (for a minimum of two hours).
Among the Topics We'll Cover Together:
Setting up your ChatGPT to maximize it for peak performance
Guiding you in the accurate recording of your voice and how to use it to create your audio books, social posts and much more
Teaching you how to create amazing images with AI
Guiding you in the accurate recording of your voice and how to use it to create your audio books, social posts and much more
Showing you how to find, evaluate and use the best free and paid AI platforms and apps
Recommend you to the top invite-only groups devoted to helping members learn the latest in AI
Providing instructions and multiple hands-on demos
Supercharging your ability to master AI-driven research techniques and content analysis
Help you find the best tools to enhance your narrative structure
Generating ideas with AI to get your creative juices flowing
Revealing how professional journalists check facts presented by AI
And of course I will answer your questions and address your specific concerns.
You’ll get all the tools you need to have AI help you create a best-selling book.
Sign up now to take advantage of my special, limited time offer just for you.
When you sign up to work with me by Thursday, February 29, your exclusive rate will be just $150 per hour (for a minimum of two hours).
Copyright Hybrid Global Publishing