All reviews are highly sought after by authors, after all, they are the proof that someone’s actually read your book and then in turn can influence others into reading your work. However, reviews from special sources like respected individuals, magazines, newspapers, or other publications are the holy grail of reviews. They command more of a presence than other reviews and can drive so much more people into spending money on your book.
If you’re confused about the difference is between these types of reviews, think of it as your aunt writing your book a review on Amazon versus your book actually being reviewed by Oprah. Big difference right? (Unless your aunt is actually Oprah…) A review from Oprah is going to get your book lot more attention and publicity especially if you use it to your advantage. (This is why a lot if not all the books reviewed by Oprah have a special sticker that says so!)
Once you get that sought after professional review, you definitely want to highlight it in your marketing efforts.
First off, you’ll want to share it everywhere you can on your social media! Not only does it tell your followers that you have a book coming out, it lets them know that it may be worth their time and money since it’s generating good buzz. Especially if Oprah/the New York Times/Publisher’s Weekly/et cetera has reviewed it!
Add snappy line from the review to your marketing campaigns! You’ve seen this in action, most book covers or movie posters have a line from reviews as its tagline. If Oprah or, more realistically, Kirkus Reviews says your book “is a hit!”, feel free to slap that onto the book cover or on the jacket.
Read more about how to use professional book reviews to your advantage at Book Baby Blog.