The first Amazon store on the east coast has opened up and it gives us an idea of how the stores coming soon in the Tri-State area will run.
The store itself looks like any other bookstore: with shelves of books, a café, and readers galore. But as North Jersey puts it, “the main purpose of the store isn’t to sell books. It’s selling a brand called Amazon.”
The purpose of Amazon’s new experiment isn’t simply to make a profit. If so, they would accept cash as payment instead of just with their Amazon accounts or credit cards.
The purpose of the new physical locations Amazon is venturing in is to further their branding and to entice more customers to join Amazon Prime and be a part of Amazon as much as they can. For example, if you want to know the price of any book in their stores, you’ll have to download their app onto your phone and then scan the book to see. And if you’re not an Amazon member, you’ll have to pay full retail price instead of said member who automatically get 30% off!
Is world domination next on the horizon for Amazon?
Read more about what the Amazon stores are like at North Jersey.
Photo via Pixabay.