June 23



If you find yourself at any Organic Roasted Coffee shop, you’ll surely bump into a hip-youngster, also known as a hipster, who declares he’s documenting the struggles of man and the symptoms of the human condition into a post-modern literary masterpiece. He works on his book when inspired and only when such—still he claims the title of writer. But he’s not. Rather he is a hobbyist, the prime difference between these two being the writer’s diligence to write daily and the hobbyist’s lack of such. “The road to hell is paved with works-in-progress,” said Phillip Roth. I suppose hell and Williamsburg share some striking similarities in demographics then.

Writing, especially professionally, is a lifestyle—an occupation—not a hobby. So set aside two hours or so a day and bring that laptop to the next indie coffee shop you find yourself in.


Authors, blogposts, coffee, hipsters, publishing, writing

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