Gymless Fitness: Keep fit, at home, in just 15 minutes a day!
by Dr Shree Vaidya, MD

Would you like to be fit to live the fast or easy life…in no time?
Does the idea of ‘spending just 1% of your day to enjoy the 99%’ appeal to you?Developed by a physician bringing traditional yoga into the dynamic 21st century, this illustrated book will guide you with simplicity to achieve good fitness at any age, shape, size or ability–without needing a gym or other equipment.For those short on time, or energy, here’s an everyman’s guide to keep fit in just under 15 minutes a day, every day!Book Available at:

The Author:
Dr Shree Vaidya, MD, a physician from India, the land of 'YOGA', has weaved his lifelong experience with polymathic interests in anthropology, evolution, fitness, health, vitality, wellness, longevity, ecology and economy-of-effort to evolve yoga into a dynamic fitness activities routine: The Yogolution. Dr Shree has been practicing "gymless fitness" for nearly 2 decades and has been free of any illness or medication for over 40 years.A family man, Dr Shree speaks 4 languages and has traveled to over 40 countries.
ISBN: 9781957013176
Publication date: June 18, 2022
Page count: 116
List price: $23.99
Formats available:
Gymless fitness is designed for people who want to develop the habit of exercising in an easy and simple way, with only 15 minutes a day it is possible to get fitter and feel better; that's Dr. Shree Vaidya's conclusion. Using mostly Yoga, Dr. Vaidya shares many exercises and positions that can be modified to fit people capabilities, changing the difficulty to be able to personalize training.
Gymless Fitness: Keep fit, at home, in just 15 minutes a day! is a very interesting book written by Dr Shree Vaidya MD. In this book, readers will find clear and useful advice to change their lives for the better.
Are you unable to fit workouts within your busy schedule? Do you wish that you had an easy, quick and simple way to workout with great results? Well, look no further because Dr Shree Vaidya, MD, has found ways to transform traditional yoga techniques to fit modern fitness needs.
Gymless Fitness: Keep fit, at home, in just 15 minutes a day! by Dr. Shree Vaidya is a simple yet helpful book to incorporate exercise into your busy schedule. The exercises are mostly yoga forms with a touch of calisthenics. They are designed to keep you limber and toned, not for bulking or a more defined look. By doing these exercises, you will find they are often a light form of moves a physical therapist would use. I believe they will help prevent sprains, muscle soreness, and aches associated with muscle use when you haven't done much. I have definitely incorporated some into my daily routine.
Due to the pandemic year, I started exercising at home watching some videos but I wanted to read about what I was doing. That's why I picked “Gymless Fitness” by Dr. Shree Vaidya. It's excellent and I'm already practising the postures and activities from it.
This book is for readers who are looking for the feeling and benefits of exercising but are incapable of being consistent with the gym and doing the work. Although I do not believe that 15' minutes per day is going to change someone in the long run, I think this reading and the yoga exercises are designed to introduce consistency and self-awareness. So, readers can feel motivated to add this to their daily routines.
Gymless Fitness: Keep fit, at home, in just 15 minutes a day! by Dr Shree Vaidya MD is a great book that is offering lots of workouts that can help get anyone in better shape in just a little bit of time each day.
As a fitness fan, I believe the title is a little misleading. Telling people they can get fit working out 15 minutes a day is somewhat a lie. Why? Because people nowadays think fit means having a six-pack. What the author is proposing is a way to be healthy, and feel better by squeezing 15 minutes of smart, focused work into our bodies and minds. The illustrations and the explanations are useful. This is a great guide for all of us -busy people -who use our hectic schedules as an excuse to ignore our bodies.
Developing the habit of exercise has never been so easy for me. Reading this book was a real blessing!
As its title suggests, without so much effort one can exercise and develop this activity into a habit that becomes part of our routine. Keeping fit in only 15 minutes a day is possible.
Gymless fitness is a non-fiction book written to help those who wish to work out from home. Many find it more comforting to exercise without going to the gym. If you are into yoga, this book will be ideal. The workouts have illustrations, so it guides you with what you need to do. It is written well and can be used as a helpful tool. I recommend this book to those who care about keeping healthy.
The book has pictures to help you follow step-by-step the exact method to practice fitness routine at home. It includes time limit for each routine, along with FAQs for a better comprehension of the exercises..
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