September 13

Fix Slowing Sales with Book Marketing Therapy

Every book goes through a period of time after the initial boom of sales where the numbers seem to plateau, or worse, go down. It’s a natural effect; everything that goes up must come down. But there is something you can do to bolster those sales numbers and sell more.

There is no real big super secret tip, it’s just a matter of going through and analyzing your book marketing plan—yet again— and try to find the weak spots of your promotional efforts or areas that can be improved.

You need to try out different approaches in promoting your book and experiment until you find something that works for you. Have you mostly built up a presence on Facebook and Twitter? Then consider establishing yourself on GoodReads or Tumblr! Did you not have a big impact on GoodReads or Tumblr? Consider opening up a YouTube channel where you make videos of yourself speaking on your book’s subject!

There is no limit of all the different possibilities and avenues where you can promote your book. You just have to keep pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and explore.

Read more at Author Marketing Experts and take a short quiz to decide whether your book marketing efforts are successful or not.


Book Marketing, indie authors

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