Take the big leap to turn your idea or outline into a published book.
The Big Leap Virtual Event for Authors connects you with the experienced expert team to make your big leap easier than you ever thought possible.
It's time to finally publish your book!
Becoming an author is a journey that many start, but few finish...
The Big Leap Virtual Event for Authors will give you the support, confidence, feedback, and expert advice to finally make your book a reality.
It's a one-of-a-kind experience that will connect you with a group of experts and presenters that rarely gather together in one place.
What You'll Work On During the Big Leap Event:
Karen Strauss has worked in publishing for more than thirty years and has held management and marketing positions at major publishing houses, including The Free Press, Crown, Random House, and Avon.
Karen founded Hybrid Global Publishing in 2011 to help authors, speakers, and entrepreneurs get their message out by writing and publishing a book. She offers publishing, distribution, and marketing services for organizations and individual authors. Karen is the author of Book Publishing for Entrepreneurs: Top Secrets from a New York Publisher and offers an online course called Publishing 101: Your Complete Guide from Idea to Published Author.
Mildred J Mills // Author of Daddy’s House: A Daughter’s Memoir of Setbacks, Triumphs & Rising Above Her Roots
Lynn Young // Author of Red Hot Living
Now is the time to take your big leap!
Register now for this Virtual Event at Early Bird Pricing of $97 for October 16-17th, 2024!