
Dyin's Easy is a treasure. Experience a full-immersion dip into the chaos of British Special Operations: circa 1939.

Operation Snow White begins as an eight-man, long-range penetration mission into Northern Tonkin. Within moments, it devolves into the survival of Major Edward Hardin. As a team leader (code name, Doc) he runs the Mother's Ratline.

Gary Prisk develops a layered narrative that "shows rather than tells" a story of international intrigue. The cast ranges from a spy in MI6 to German bankers and industrialists all the way through to their well-paid assassins.

With unmatched depth, Gary Prisk introduces the reader to characters so deeply mired in the chaos of deceit, the reader will anticipate the run from Burma to China Bay, from Aden to Malta and Marseille, and England.

ISBN: 9781957013510

Retail Price: $19.73

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