A powerful 90 minutes with our team figuring out how to take your ideas and turn them into a book that can get you to become the most well known expert in your niche.
Thursday, August 10th at 12 PM Eastern (11am CDT /10am MDT / 9am PDT)
Show Up with Your Book Idea In Mind...
What is keeping you from getting your book done?
Here are the Top 3 Reasons Why…

- Stress is a creativity killer, so when you’re stressed out and anxious about finishing your book it sabotages your progress. I see this all the time.
- You’re unclear on the idea, direction, and overarching message of your story. The harder you try to gain clarity, the more confused you get.
- This is a biggie. So many frustrated authors want to make sure that all the work they put into the book won’t be for nothing.
They’re thinking too far ahead, imagining the worst outcomes, so they stop trying.
This fear is keeping you stuck in the dangerous status quo, where it’s too comfortable, where no work is done, and where nothing ever happens.
About Karen

Karen Strauss has worked in publishing for more than thirty years and has held management and marketing positions at major publishing houses, including The Free Press, Crown, Random House, and Avon.
Karen founded Hybrid Global Publishing in 2011 to help authors, speakers, and entrepreneurs get their message out by writing and publishing a book. She offers publishing, distribution, and marketing services for organizations and individual authors. Karen is the author of Book Publishing for Entrepreneurs: Top Secrets from a New York Publisher and offers an online course called Publishing 101: Your Complete Guide from Idea to Published Author.
Finishing your book will be easier than you think!
- Thursday, August 10th at 12 PM Eastern

Copyright Hybrid Global Publishing