The 3 Keys to Bestseller

Take your book from idea to bestseller with the most critical steps to becoming a bestselling author.

Becoming a bestselling author doesn't have to be a dream.

There are 3 Key Elements that every author needs to navigate in order to get their book published and positioned for bestseller status.

Knowing these keys, along with the fastest path to getting your book done, will help you focus in on the most important aspects of your book without wasting time navigating today's confusing publishing industry and wasting time on the wrong idea.

The experienced team at Hybrid Global Publishing is here to cut through the noise and give you the information you need to succeed now!

With these keys, you'll know exactly what to do next.

What's covered in the 3 Keys to Bestseller?

What book should you write?

Connect with your reason for why you're writing the book and what will help you get your book completed the fastest.

Which publishing option is best?

Navigate the modern publishing industry and select the option that is easiest and most cost-effective for your project.

How to prepare your book for Amazon.

Understand the process behind making your book discoverable and optimized for Amazon, the world's largest book marketplace.

Meet Your Instructors:

Karen Strauss, Hybrid Global Publishing

Karen Strauss

Karen Strauss has worked in publishing for more than thirty years and has held management and marketing positions at major publishing houses, including The Free Press, Crown, Random House, and Avon.Karen founded Hybrid Global Publishing in 2011 to help authors, speakers, and entrepreneurs get their message out by writing and publishing a book. She offers publishing, distribution, and marketing services for organizations and individual authors. Karen is the author of Book Publishing for Entrepreneurs: Top Secrets from a New York Publisher and offers an online course called Publishing 101: Your Complete Guide from Idea to Published Author.

Ken Course

Ken Course is a digital marketing expert who has specialized in the speaking, author and expert industry for nearly 15 years.  He is known internationally for his high energy, experiential, and interactive presentations that create positive momentum for business owners. Ken has been a key team member in over 10 multi-million dollar launches, 3 New York Times Bestselling Books, as well as appeared as a featured expert on over 150 stages with speakers such as Les Brown, Mark Victor Hansen, Rick Frishman, Mike Koenigs, Justin Livingston, Kevin Harrington, Nancy Matthews, and many more.

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